Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Family at the beach

This is an experiment with video. We've been having trouble downloading, so here goes. We took this about a week ago outside the Ames St. address. We have moved since then (tonight is the first night in the house) and it is much more comfortable. We'll see if we can get a video of it for you, so you can "live with us" for awhile. Cal, Lori, and the kids come out in five days. What a great trip this will be for all of us! At the end we will probably see it as one of, if not the best, trips we have ever been on and still feel like there was so much more for us to do. Maybe there will be another trip out here. A message for Dad, this is a dream come true, especially for the kids.

Sorry if this is redundant from the video ( I can't remember if we said anything to that effect), but the island you see in the background as I begin to pan left is Kapiti (cap-a-tee) and if you look closely as I pan further to the left you can just make out the northern end of the South Island. This is an area of the island named Golden Bay. The small hill at the far end of the beach (all the way to the left) is a place called Pukerua (Poo-ka-roo-a) bay. We will try to get a better picture of all of this on a clearer day. Not bad as it is, really. We hope you enjoy this and feel like you are with us.

1 comment:

dee said...

Hey guys, the video is wonderful!! Feels like we're almost there with you. Looked black and white at first but that was just the lighting. We miss you all so so much but know you're having the time of your lives! Do you have the same access to the beach in your new house? Can't wait for the video of that. love you lots and keep posting! love Dee