Monday, July 23, 2012

The Next Adventure is About to Begin

The bags are packed, I think, and will be looked through again tomorrow.  We have said many fair wells and goodbyes, and we will be leaving at noon tomorrow.  It's hard to believe that we will be in a New Zealand winter in a few days and the kids will start another school year in less than a week. 

They have all graduated from their various schools and will be moving on.  Becky and David will be going to Paekakariki School as year 7s(?), the school they attended in the spring of '08 (it was fall in NZ), and Abby will be a year 10 at Kapiti College.  All three will be entering the school in the third quarter, then will do the last quarter of this school year and the first two of the next school year.  Kinda weird but cool!
They have all grown so quickly and have their mother's good looks!  We're hoping they will get involved in extracurricular activities.  They all want to be a part of the restart to the Wellington Lacrosse Association, so we will see what happens. 

I feel like I will really miss my family and friends, but feel so much support from all of them.  Thanks and we will be back in June of '13.  Be sure to check back, as I hope that we will make regular entries to keep you up to date.