Sunday, February 17, 2008

Moving right along.....

Hard to believe we're already on Day 6 in New Zealand! The first picture above is a few of the sunset over the South Island as viewed from our front deck! Not bad...The other is of Abby and her friend, Naomi, in Wellington, where we went this weekend to check out the Pacifika festival, where people from all the south pacific island nations whose people now inhabit NZ come and show their wares, their clothing, their music, their art, etc. It was a fabulous day, even though the weather was a bit cold and windy.
On the technology front, still no internet and no phone at our house, so checking and sending email is intermittent. We hope to have all that installed by end of this week, but it could be a bit longer. I did just get a cell phone today, but that does me no good really aside from calling one or two people I know here in Paekakariki and for emergencies! Calls are 89 cents/minute here, so I have to rethink how I use my mobile phone.
Aside from communications, we're sort of settling in. It's so beautiful here, and Jennifer and Michael have made us feel very much at home. Yesterday, we spent the day at the beach...our first really nice weather day. The day before that, we were in Wellington.
Update on the school situation...the kids had their first day of school on Friday and LOVED it. Abby has told me several times how much she loves school here. I'm not sure if it's just because she's the center of attention or because they get an entire hour for lunch (outside) or because there's swimming virtually every day or simply because it's all so laid back. But we'll take it for now! On other social news, Abby and Becky have joined a Girl Guide troop and Brownie troop, respectively, Abby and Naomi are fast friends, David and Aidan are great buddies, and there's even a friend for Becky...Ayla is the 7 year old daughter of one of Jennifer's good friends. So all is good.
I, myself, have mostly been running around trying to figure out how to get settled enough for everyone to be comfortable., shopping, getting communciations, buying wet suits (yes, the water is freezing) and bikes (we live about a 20 minute walk from school), and figuring out how to pump gas and drive on the left side of the road! Today is the first day I've felt a little like I want to go home to my comforts and my familiarity, but I know this, too, shall pass. We're looking forward to Jim's arrival in a few weeks.
A few funny words you all might enjoy: togs (swimsuit), capsicum (peppers--red, green, etc), buiscits (cookies), trainers (sneakers).
Things I like here: the coffee, the butter, the eggs, the yogurt, the simplicity of the people and of life, the views, very little homework. Oh, and did I say...very little homework?
Things I don't like: the prices, the absence of loved ones.

1 comment:

The Nate Harris Family said...

Dear Carolyn, Abby, Becky and David,

We're so glad to hear and see your wonderful place! It sounds as though you are beginning to get settled - isn't it amazing how easily kids can make friends and flow with the moment. Carolyn, you are brave and so courageous to take this on, but I know you will succeed, as I don't think you know how to do anything else! Just wanted you to know we love you and are thinking of you. We love the blog and pictures - it is great to be able to still see your smiling faces.

The Nate Harris'