Thursday, January 17, 2008

We got our Visas!

Carolyn's first Blog here.

As of yesterday, January 16, 2008, it's about as official as it's going to get save for when we actually get on the plane on February 11th. After two rounds of trying and many hours trying to sort out what was needed and what kinds of visas we needed, we got it right. I must say that the NZ Embassy in Washington, though not particularly personable, is efficient. It took only one week from send to receive. Funny thing how the folks at the Embassy here in the US don't even come close to representing what I think the actual people in NZ are like. Every person with whom I've spoken who is actually IN NZ is so wonderfully friendly and warm. The folks in Washington act like they can't wait to get you off the phone. Do you suppose it's possible that living in the US has soured these people? I have to not think about that because the answer might depress me too much.

I have a dear friend, whom I've known since I did a semester abroad in Spain in 1985 who is leaving today with her husband and three children to embark on a round the world adventure for seven months. Sadly, they won't be coming to NZ, but I feel happy knowing that someone from my very first travel adventure is continuing the quest in parallel with me. Some may say it's crazy to take your children out of their home environment during the school year---my guess is that it will be an experience that will shape their lives. We'll see. Stay tuned....

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